South Indian Lady Superstar Nayanthara completed the milestone of 50 films in her career. She is the highest paid South Indian actress from a long time. Her recent film Annapoorani landed into trouble after the film received severe criticism. Annapoorani has hurt the religious sentiments of the people and for promoting Love Jihad. An FIR has been filed against Nayanthara and the team of Annapoorani claiming that the film has offended the Hindu sentiments.
The complaint was filed against Nayanthara, Jai, Nilesh Krishna along with the producers Jatin Sethi, R Ravindran and Punit Goenka. The FIR also had the names of Shariq Patel (Zee Studios Chief Business Officer) and Monika Shergill (Netflix India Head). The people across Tamil Nadu have been raising their voice against the film and they are demanding a ban on the film. Annapoorani is the story of a traditional Brahmin girl who falls in love with a Muslim guy and gets married to him. She soon starts cooking non-veg and ends up winning the title of Master Chef. This received a lot of criticism from all the corners and the film is now streaming on Netflix.