BRS Working President KT Rama Rao said that within a month of coming to power, the Congress government has been discredited. He clarified that only BRS will fight for Telangana. But the Congress gave an equally bold counter to KTR’s words. The Congress leaders attacked them saying that they were speaking in a defeated state of frustration.
BRS working president and MLA KTR said that even those who voted for Congress are suffering because KCR is not the CM. He made it clear that the people’s love for KCR has not gone unscathed. KTR, who participated in the preparatory meeting of Zaheerabad Parliament Constituency, said that BRS is the only one that will fight for Telangana. KTR clarified that BRS won 39 seats in the assembly elections and this is not a small number.
KTR said that within a month of the formation of the Congress government in the state, the disrepute was covered. He said that the Congress MLAs started protesting from the people. KTR commented in the meeting that the Congress government is trying to escape from the guarantees by using Telangana’s debts as an excuse. He said that he did not expect Hanmant Shinde to lose in Jukkal Assembly constituency. He also said that there were unexpected results across the state. BRS activists have called KTR not to be discouraged and to show his strength in the parliamentary elections.
Congress countered MLA KTR’s comments. Senior Congress leader V. Hanumantha Rao said. They questioned why they are criticizing within a month of coming to power. He flagged that BRS could not fulfill all the promises made to the people during the nine-year rule. Another Congress leader Adaki Dayakar criticized KTR’s behavior. Eddewa complained that the KTR team is impatient with the new government. He said that baseless allegations are being made against the government and BRS is spreading false propaganda on social media. He reminded that Revanth Reddy was sincere in keeping the promises given.