King Nagarjuna has high hopes on his upcoming film Naa Saami Ranga and the film would be an apt one for Sankranthi. But with a bunch of releases around and the poor show from the recent Nag’s films, Naa Saami Ranga is struggling to get impressive deals. The actor is reportedly charging Rs 10 crores as remuneration for Naa Saami Ranga and the non-theatrical deals are yet to be closed. Although Nag wanted Disney Plus Hotstar to buy the digital and satellite rights, the OTT platform is in the merger process with Jio and the deals may take longer time. The film’s producer Srinivasaa Chitturi is offering the Andhra theatrical rights (excluding Ceeded) for Nagarjuna instead of his remuneration.
Nagarjuna’s Annapurna Studios has to release the film across Andhra if the actor is ready. He is left in a tricky situation for now. The producer has to bear all the risk as none of the deals from Naa Saami Ranga are closed. The makers in talks with the distributors and most of them suggested to walk out of Sankranthi race. A decision would be made very soon. For now, Naa Saami Ranga is slated for January 14th release. Vijay Binni is making his directorial debut with Naa Saami Ranga and Allari Naresh, Raj Tarun played other prominent roles. The shoot of the film will be wrapped up by January 5th, 2024.