Siddipet: An argument broke out between Telangana Minister Konda Surekha and Janagama MLA Palla Rajeshwar Reddy. A review meeting on the arrangements of Komuravelli Mallanna Jatara was held under the auspices of TS Minister Konda Surekha at Harita Hotel in Siddipet. BRS leader and Janagama MLA Palla Rajeshwar Reddy participated in this programme. On this occasion, Minister Konda Surekha called the Congress leader to the stage. MLA Palla left the place expressing impatience as to how the losers would be called on the stage.
Objection by MLA Palla Rajeshwar Reddy
Minister Konda Surekha called Congress leader Kommuri on stage during the government’s official review of Komuravelli fair arrangements at Harita Hotel. But MLA Palla Rajeshwar Reddy objected to this. MLA Palla expressed indignation that what is happening here is not a Congress party meeting. At first Minister Konda Surekha tried to please MLA Palla but the BRS leader did not listen. Konda Surekha got bored with that.. If you are there, stay or else go away. Janagama MLA Palla Rajeshwar Reddy Komaravelli Mallanna boycotted the fair review meeting saying that his words are not valued and how can the losers be called on the stage like a Congress party meeting. Videos related to this have gone viral. People are feeling that the battle between Congress and BRS has started again.
Congress leaders to rob!
Palla accused that Congress leaders are being called to loot the funds of Komuravelli Mallanna. MLA Palla said that such a meeting has never been held in a hotel in the last 30 years and that Congress will act differently and boycotted the meeting. Minister Konda Surekha responded to BRS leader Palla Rajeshwar Reddy’s comments. It is stated that Palla left because he did not want to be in the meeting. He said that they will have the authority to call anyone for the work of organizing the fair. But Palla said it was ridiculous to boycott the meeting by mentioning the name of the protocol. Minister Konda Surekha alleged that if any mistakes were made, the collector would tell them, but Palla wanted everything to be done to the letter.