CM Enumula Revanth Reddy advised the officials in the review of the finance department to tell the people about the financial situation of the state, the challenges, the goals ahead of us and what is there. He advised the officials to prepare the budget considering that the real Telangana has just arrived. He ordered to reduce wasteful expenses without extravagance. He asked that the annual budget of the next fiscal year should be prepared to reflect the reality of the state’s revenue and expenditure. He ordered to make full use of the grants from the central government and prepare a realistic budget without going into unnecessary pomp and clamor. He ordered to make accurate estimates of the state’s income, employees’ salaries, the implementation of six guarantees and the work to be done. The CM suggested that there should be clarity on all the debts, dues and monthly expenses, and the reality of income expenditure should be understood by the people without any kind of secrecy. CM Revanth Reddy said that there is no need to satisfy some people. It is the responsibility of our government to tell the truth to the people of Telangana.
The CM ordered to reduce government advertisements, instead of buying new vehicles, to use the existing vehicles. They want to prepare plans to get as many grants as possible from the central government. The CM suggested to make full use of the matching grant provided by the Center for various departments and schemes. The officials were warned not to give up the funds given by the Center as its share if the state pays some share.