Naveen Medaram worked on the script of Devil for years and he directed the major portion of the film that featured Kalyanram in the lead role. Soon, the film’s producer Abhishek Nama took the credits of the director and replaced Naveen Medaram from the promotional content. The film is hitting the screens this Friday and there are a lot of ongoing speculations about the differences between Naveen Medaram and Abhishek Nama. Naveen penned an emotional post on a humble note requesting everyone to watch Devil in theaters despite his name being removed from the credits.
He also did not comment or make a statement about Abhishek Nama and he should be appreciated. Naveen also thanked Nandamuri Kalyanram for his effort and he called Devil his baby. He also made it clear that there was nothing wrong from his side during the shoot. Naveen also made it clear that there was no legal action initiated.
“While I have consistently maintained my composure by keeping calm, my silence seems to be misconstrued as a mistake by a few, I want to clarify that I have not committed any wrongdoing in the making of this film. The controversy we face today is a result of taking few careless decisions driven by pure ego and greed. Contrary to the recent reports, I have not taken any legal action against any individual or the film” said his statement that Naveen posted on his social media page.