Panjagutta Inspector Durgarao was suspended by West Zone DCP on Tuesday. There are allegations against Durga Rao that Sohel, the son of former BRS MLA Shakeel, acted negligently in the rash driving case. It has been alleged that Shakeel’s son Sohel rammed the people there while driving at high speed at Praja Bhavan in Begumpet. Police have registered a case under 17 sections. Instead of Sohel who was in the driving seat, the driver’s name was included in the case and the police arrested the driver. Inspector Durga Rao was suspended for negligence in the investigation of this case. It seems that the West Zone DCP has already conducted a full investigation into Durga Rao’s case. Meanwhile, Durga Rao has already been admitted to the hospital due to BP down.
Earlier, the constables took Sohail to Panjagutta Police Station after the accident on Praja Bhavan road. The followers of former MLA Shakeel reached the police station after learning about the matter. The scenes were recorded in CCTV cameras. What happened at the police station, but instead of Sohail, Shakeel’s name was included in the FIR. Shakeel.. former BRS MLA is working at home. The police have included him in this case. Police officials have investigated the role of CI, night duty SCI and two constables in this case. They also questioned Sohail’s friends who had made night calls with him.
In the past, a car with a sticker in the name of MLA Shakeel of Bodhan created havoc in Jubilee Hills. Mahendra Thar’s car was speeding towards Jubilee Hills Road No.45 from Durgam Cheruvu Cable Bridge and collided with it. In this incident, the boy died on the spot. West Zone DCP Vijaykumar said that a charge sheet has also been filed in that case as well. Legal action will be taken.
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