Surya Kumar Yadav, who successfully led Team India in the T20 series against Australia and South Africa, was seriously injured. Mr. 360 was injured while fielding in the last T20 match against South Africa. This will keep him away from cricket for a few weeks. He is also unable to play in the T20 series against Afghanistan next month. Scanning revealed that Surya’s injury was severe. With this, he will be away from cricket for about 7 weeks. In this sequence, a video related to Surya came out. The fans who saw the star cricketer in this are getting confused. Suryakumar Yadav was seen with a bandage on his leg due to the fracture of his left leg. He also appeared walking slowly with the help of a walking stick. Surya Kumar, who shared this video, said, ‘Seriously, injuries are never fun. But I will recover soon… I will come back stronger’ he said slowly. Currently, this video is going viral on social media. Team India fans and netizens are showering comments saying that Surya bhai will recover soon. Meanwhile, the prestigious T20 World Cup will be held in a few days. Surya’s records show how important he is in the T20 format. In this context, the recovery of Surya Kumar is very important for India in the World Cup.
Surya Kumar was seriously injured in the last T20 match against South Africa in Johannesburg. Mr. 360 immediately left the field as Surya sprained his leg while fielding. But at that time the effect of the injury was not much visible. He had no difficulty in walking. But after he got back home, he underwent a scan and the real thing came to light. It has been revealed that the severity of the injury is high. After Hardik Pandya was injured in the World Cup, the T20 captaincy was handed over to Suryakumar. But now Suryakumar is also seriously injured. The recovery of these two star players by next year’s T20 World Cup 2024 is crucial for Team India.
Surya Kumar Yadav video..
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