Prabhas’ most awaited movie Salaar released and got a hit talk. Rebel Star has fully satisfied the fans who have been waiting for this range of action since time immemorial. Feeling like having eaten full meals. Due to this, Salar’s fans are expressing their love for Prabhas in various ways. In that, the work done by the students of Vishnu and SRKR Engineering Colleges in Bhimavaram will now be challenged. On the occasion of the release of the movie Salaar, Prabhas’s photos from the movie Salaar were set as the wallpapers of all the computers in the computer labs of the college. Videos of Prabhas photos wallpapers on all systems are shared on social media. So those videos are impressing Prabhas fans. Netizens are surprised to see students’ love for Darling. Currently, videos related to this are going viral.
For more videos:
Pragathi’s second marriage, here is the clarity. It is a hot topic that Pragathi has done.
Yes Prema is going to get married. Although in a relationship for a while: Sridivya.
Even though he has done 4 movies.. but he has collected crores.. Varun Cars Collections.