Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy released Rs.41.59crore towards Videshi Vidya Deevena benefiting 390 students pursuing overseas education and Rs.100.50lakh towards Jagananna Civil Services Protsahakam (incentive) benefiting 106 civil service aspirants pursuing UPSC examinations, totaling to Rs. 42.60 crore.
The amount would be directly credited into the bank accounts of beneficiaries in full transparency. Releasing the amount with the click of a button virtually at the Camp Office in Tadepalli on Wednesday, the Chief Minister said that the government has been implementing the scheme to prevent the parents of overseas education aspirants from falling into debt trap.
He said that the Civil Services incentive is being released for the first time but both these programs have a unique quality of assuring the aspirants and their parents that the Government would support them in fulfilling their dreams.
He said the Government is also reimbursing Rs 9.5 crore towards the fees for 51 students who got admission in USA universities and colleges this spring. The Chief Minister said that the Government has so far spent Rs 107 crore for 408 students who have been pursuing overseas education. The Government has been extending financial help to all SC, ST, BC, minority and EBC students whose annual income does not exceed Rs 8 lakh.
By implementing the scheme in saturation mode, the Government hopes that the beneficiaries would be of immense help to others providing inspiration and to the State in future, he said, adding that they would also reach high positions in life and keep their families happy.
Under the scheme, the government is committed to reimburse total fees up to Rs 1.25 crore each to SC, ST, BC and minority students and up to Rs 1 crore each to EBC students who pursue higher education in 21 diverse faculties in 350 educational institutions affiliated to 50 universities abroad listed in the QS World University and Times Higher Education rankings.
With regard to the aspirants pursuing Union Civil Services, Government will pay an incentive of Rs, 1 lakh each to SC, ST, BC, EBC and minority students after clearing the preliminary examination and Rs. 50,000 after passing the main examination reimbursing the coaching and preparation expenses.
Some of the beneficiaries also participated in the program virtually narrating their experiences and thanking the government for supporting them in fulfilling overseas education dreams.