It is known that Telugu Desam Party chief Chandrababu Naidu was arrested in the AP Skill Development scam and released from jail on bail. However, the AP CID officials filed a petition stating that during the Telugu Desam Party’s rule, there was illegal transportation of sand and the TDP leaders benefited from the free sand policy. Arguments in the AP High Court on the anticipatory bail petition filed by TDP chief Chandrababu ended today. Senior advocate Siddharth Luthra of Supreme Court on behalf of Chandrababu and AG Sriram on behalf of CID heard arguments. The case has been adjourned in court for the past two months. However, today the AP High Court after hearing full arguments from both sides reserved its verdict on the anticipatory bail petition.
Chandrababu, who visited shrines till now, is focusing on politics. He attended the Navasakam Sabha which will be held today. On the occasion of the completion of the Nara Lokesh Yuvagalam padayatra, the TDP leaders organized a huge outdoor meeting in Uttarandhra district headquarters. Jana Sena president Pawan Kalyan will also attend the event. On the other hand, Hindupuram MLA Balakrishna was also present. Chandrababu, Nara Lokesh, Pawan Kalyan and Balakrishna will be seen on the same stage. With this, there is a new vigor in the party circles.