Bigg Boss 7 Telugu: ‘Bigg Boss’ The SPY – SPA batch will forever remain in history. Shivaji, Pallavi Prashanth, Yavar (SPY), Shobha Shetty, Pallavi Prashanth, Amar Deep (SPA) split into groups and bloodied the game. However, only SPY batch made it to the top 5. Only Amardeep and Priyanka stood in top 5 from SPA batch. After Priyanka, Yavar and Shivaji left, Amar Deep from Spa and Pallavi Prashant from Spy stood at the end. In the end, Pallavi Prashanth emerged as the winner and the ‘Spy’ team won. However, it’s really great that Amardeep went that far. Because.. Amardeep had very less votes in the beginning. When the real man in him came out, people started liking him.
Initially, Amar Deep was not at all comfortable with the SPY batch. He wants everyone in the house to be in his favor and to cooperate. As the game drew to a close, it intensified. Sometimes he cries like a maniac. But, the fans who understood his innocence voted and brought him to the top 5. Overall, Amar reached the top-2. However, it was bad luck not to win the title. Moreover.. Amardeep did not get anything even for being the runner-up. I had to leave the stage with my bare hands. It has benefited. Only Yavar. Darjaga went home with Rs.15 lakhs. Anyway, Amardeep won hearts even if he didn’t win prize money.
Here are the things that came together to make it to the top 2:
⦿ Amar started to show what his game is from the sixth week. Participated more in tasks.
⦿ In terms of entertainment and fun, Amar struggled a bit more as compared to other contestants. He tried to make the audience laugh.
⦿ When it comes to entertaining the audience, he does not care if everyone makes jokes on him..
⦿ Amar doesn’t care much even if he is beaten for fun. The audience thought that was his biggest plus.
⦿ Playing foul games..cheating..the audience got entertainment in it.
⦿ Even if Shivaji thought it was a negative content.. there were occasions when the audience laughed at the same.
⦿ Even if he got married or had a fight.. Amar never left his friends.
⦿ Although he could not become the captain with the tasks.. he earned the captaincy with his innocence.
Incompatibilities are:
⦿ If there is a contestant in Bigg Boss who has talked a lot about the housemates behind their back, it is Amardeep.
⦿ Amar backbites almost all the contestants including his friends.
⦿ Many felt that Amar played a safe game by not appearing much to the audience for the first five weeks.
⦿ Not only the audience but also the fellow contestants felt that he became very selfish after he started playing the tasks.
⦿ Amar is the one who thinks that he should win in every task he plays and if his friends don’t support him, he mentally tortures them with words.
⦿ He used crying to win as a strategy when he was in a no-win situation. He tried to prove his point by crying regardless of the occasion or not.
⦿ Due to his innocence, he could not become a winner even though he reached the finals. The impression of being a serial batch also took some votes away.
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