The farmer’s child achieved what he wanted. Pallavi Prashanth, who wanted to become a contestant in the Just Bigg Boss show, became the winner of the title. Pallavi Prashanth won the Bigg Boss grand finale on Sunday (December 17). Prashanth won many titles after facing the likes of Shivaji and Amardeep. Not only that, Rythu Biddah created history as the first contestant in the history of Bigg Boss who entered as a common man and became the winner. Pallavi Prasanth got emotional when Nagarjuna announced him as the title winner in the grand finale. He shed tears. First Hest Nagarjuna and then all the fellow contestants were touched with love. Later, Nagarjuna called Prashant on the stage and asked him to speak. On this occasion, the farmer’s child thanked all those who were responsible for his success. He also won everyone’s hearts once again by announcing that he would give all the prize money he got to the farmers.
I came here for farmers.
“Thank you to everyone who made me win. I had many dreams to come here. I wandered around Anna Poorna’s studio a lot. For this reason, sometimes even if I did not eat, I would lie to my family that I had eaten. If I want to do something, I can definitely do it. Beyond that, I believe in myself. Even my father believed in me. You walk.. I will lead you forward, he said. That belief has made it come this far. Bigg Boss is the winner. I will share the Rs.35 lakhs that I got to the food donors. I came to the Bigg Boss show only for the farmers. I will gift the car that was given to me to my father. Also, I will give the necklace as a gift to my mother,’ said Pallavi Prashant emotionally.
Pallavi Prashanth’s fans are uproarious..
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Pallavi Prashanth has said on many occasions in the past that he will give the prize money to the farmers. Now he made it a reality and showed his good heart. Meanwhile, Pallavi Prashant, who won the seventh season of Bigg Boss, received Rs. 50 lakh prize money. Also Bigg Boss sponsor Joyalukas company gave a diamond necklace as a gift. A Maruti Breeza car was also given as a gift.
I will give my father a car..
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