AP Minister Roja said that Chandrababu and Pawan Kalyan are still in talks to adjust seats. He said that they do not have time to prepare a joint manifesto. He said that they are in trouble because they don’t know where to compete. Such people are angry that they are writing articles in their media regarding YCP seats. He said that the discussions between Chandrababu and Pawan are like a comedy that is beyond comedy. Those who do good to the people are sure to win the elections. He commented that the seats will be given to those who have the forgiveness of the people. He said that CM Jagan is adjusting the seats only after discussing it twice. Minister Roja said that he is sure to contest as an MLA in the next election. Unable to bear seeing the development in AP, some media outlets have expressed their anger that some media outlets are pouring poison on the YCP regime.