TDP chief N Chandrababu Naidu had assigned special tasks to the party senior leaders till the next round of general election. He had asked the senior leaders to coordinate with other leaders and ensure that the party’s performance is improved in the days to come.
Chandrababu Naidu had given the coordination of Backward Classes to former ministers Pithani Satyanarayana and Kollu Ravindra, social media responsibility to Payyavula Keshav, Bhavishyattuku Guarantee to Nimmala Ramanaidu, irrigation projects to BC Janardhana Reddy.
Chandrababu Naidu also gave the responsibility of enrolling the young voters and ensuring that they vote in the general election to the MP K Rammohan Naidu. The responsibility of voter list examination and checking the irregularities of the ruling party in the voter list to GV Anjaneyulu, and employees and postal ballot to former MLC P Ashok Babu.
The Amaravati capital issue was given to former minister Nakka Ananda Babu, panchayat raj issues to former MLC YVB Rajendra Prasad and new joinings to the party to Anagani Sathya Prasad, legal issues to Dhulipalla Narendra Kumar and weak polling stations issues to Ravi Kumar were given by Chandrababu Naidu.
The party’s chief Naidu’s tour programs responsibility was given to Pendurthi Venkatesh. Chandrababu Naidu had asked the senior leaders to take care of the responsibilities given to them. He also asked the senior leaders to ensure that the junior leaders are also involved in their activities.
Meanwhile, Chandrababu Naidu held a review meeting with the party senior leaders on the closing ceremony of the Yuva Galam program of party general secretary Nara Lokesh on December 20. Chandrababu Naidu wanted the rank and file of the party to ensure that the closing ceremony of the Yuva Galam is held in a grand scale.