Telugu Bigg Boss 7: In every season of Bigg Boss, the top 5 contestants are one step away from the finals and the trophy. Bigg Boss sends them a suitcase and puts some money in it. The same thing happened in Bigg Boss season 7. Currently there are six contestants in the house. Bigg Boss sent a suitcase to the house. While increasing the amount, any contestant was offered to take the suitcase and leave immediately. With this, all the contestants started discussing about it.
Suitcase offer to housemates..
First he called all the contestants to the activity area and explained about the suitcase. After that he arranged a suitcase for them in the garden area. After the contestants came and stood there, he said that the value of the suitcase was Rs.3 lakhs. At the beginning of the season, Priyanka, who entered the Bigg Boss house with a suitcase, gave the suitcase first. He asked if he wanted the money. When he said he didn’t want it, he asked to give it to the contestant next to him. So Bigg Boss came asking everyone one by one if they want that suitcase. But everyone has the same answer. Everyone is standing on their word. With this, Bigg Boss increased the value of the suitcase to Rs.5 lakh. However, no one is ready to take it and leave the house. While Bigg Boss was serious about the suitcase, Shivaji made a comedy as if he was going to take it but didn’t. Bigg Boss asked all the housemates to leave as no one took it.
Everyone needs a title.
After leaving the house, Shivaji asked all the contestants one by one how much money they would be willing to give to leave Bigg Boss. But Arjun said that he will leave if I give him Rs.40 lakhs. Amardeep said, “If all the money is given to everyone, what will be left for me?” He spoke as if he is the title winner and the prize money is sure to come to him. But Shivaji asked again if Big Boss should leave after giving him how much money. Amar replied that there is no problem. “If you give me Rs. 30 lakh, you will go away. i know Shivaji reminded him that you said it yourself. “I will write the actual go. Amar gave a statement that we will do everything if we say one lakh. But Shivaji countered that the listeners were called widows. After the discussion of the housemates, Bigg Boss once again called everyone in the garden area. This time the value of the suitcase is Rs. He increased it to 8 lakhs. But no one is ready to take it. No one came forward to take Rs.10 lakhs. Seeing that, Shivaji commented, “These are all dark cases”. With this, Bigg Boss ordered to put the suitcase in the store room.
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