Kalyan Ram Devil Trailer : Nandamuri Kalyan Ram has been getting hits for some time now by adding new elements in commercial movies. Similarly, while preparing to come to the audience with another new story like ‘Devil’, the team has recently released the trailer of this movie. Samyukta Menon acted opposite Kalyan Ram in this movie. While ‘Bimbisara’ which came in the combination of both of them has already become a super duper hit, the makers are hoping that ‘Devil’ will also be a hit. Along with him, another heroine Malavika Nair is also playing a key role in this. While preparing for the release of ‘Devil’ on December 29, the makers released the trailer as part of the promotions. With this trailer, the audience was completely taken back to the 1940s.
Agent Devil is coming..
Director Abhishek Nama revealed at the beginning of the trailer that Kalyan Ram will be seen in the role of Agent Devil. A girl named Vijaya is murdered. The authorities call Agent Devil in Madras to find out who committed the murder. Kalyan Ram made an entry with such thrilling background music. ‘Do you suspect anyone of the murder?’ Agent Devil begins his investigation. There he meets Samyukta Menon. It is clear from the trailer that the investigation of this agent devil is going to be very thrilling.
First half thriller, second half action..
The director tried to say in two words about the movie ‘Devil’ in the trailer by saying ‘a very deep mystery’ and ‘events that change history’. After that the trailer took another turn. A murder case investigation turns into a secret operation. From there the commercial range action started in the trailer. ‘Have you thought of me as a dog to be faithful and to live in obedience? The trailer of ‘Devil’ ends with Kalyan Ram’s punchy dialogue ‘Lion’. Apart from that, ‘have you seen corpses testifying anywhere?’ The dialogue is also interesting. Overall, the first half of this trailer is filled with thriller elements and the second half is filled with action elements. The audience thinks that this movie is an action commercial entertainer with a new story.
The art of 1940 is fascinating.
Kalyan Ram has already received the biggest blockbuster in his career with a period drama like ‘Bimbisara’. Again with the same type of periodical drama, he is coming in front of the audience with ‘Devil’ to score a hit in that range. The 1940 background is the highlight of the movie trailer. How the buildings were like, how the cars were like, how the weapons were like in those days. Harshavardhan Rameshwar’s music is a plus for Kalyan Ram’s action. While Srikanth Vissa provided the story, screenplay and dialogues for ‘Devil’, Abhishek Nama directed the film while acting as a producer.
Also Read: Want a dog to be faithful? – Kalyan Ram comments