In Telugu states, especially since it was a united Telugu state, there was no tradition in the past of having a separate camp office for the Chief Minister. After YS Rajasekhar Reddy was elected as the CM, he removed the quarters of 10 IAS officers and 24 other officers and built a camp office for himself on Greenlands Road in Begumpet. Until his death, YS and then YS family stayed there for some years. But.. after the birth of a new state.. when the BRS government was formed.. KCR changed the appearance of this campus at a cost of 38 crores.. and named it as Pragathi Bhavan.. and entered it in November 2016. Apart from his chamber in the Secretariat, KCR used to conduct the official activities of the party at Pragati Bhavan as a camp office. Ministers and officials were called to the farmhouse as needed. If cut.. Now the era of Revanth Reddy as Telangana CM has started. Jyoti Rao Phule changed Pragati Bhavan to Praja Bhavan as mentioned in the election campaign.. Praja Darbar was started there.
It seems that the Congress government also has other ideas on how to use the Praja Bhavan. And… where is the latest CM Revanth Reddy’s latest camp office? The suspense continued till yesterday as to where the official programs will be held. There was also a discussion that why a new building with a new cost.. while the newly built secretariat is still there… the action part will start from there. But.. Revanth’s mind is thinking otherwise. Revanth Reddy has been saying since the past that he will build his camp office in the premises of Marrichenna Reddy HRD Institute in Jubilee Hills.
After visiting former CM KCR on Sunday, CM Revanth Reddy reached MCRHRDI and inspected it along with the ministers. MCR toured the vicinity of HRD in an electric car. The CM did not directly say that this is an official building. But.. What changes and additions should be made to make it a camp office was discussed with the authorities. He was also ordered to improve the existing helipad here. There is a chance that restoration work will start from tomorrow. Besides.. Revanth Reddy has fixed this as the camp office because it is close to his home. So.. CM Camp Office Caraf.. MCRRHDI. This is sure..
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