Telangana BSP chief RS Praveen Kumar was tight-lipped on the Telangana government’s decision to provide free travel facility to women in RTC buses. He said that providing free travel facility to women is going to put a heavy burden on RTC which is just emerging from the abyss of losses. This will affect the lives of around 50 thousand workers working in the RTC organization. Also RTC buses are not running to many villages since the advent of Telangana state.. Will those services be restored now in the background of free travel scheme? He commented that it has become questionable.
Also, Praveen Kumar stated that providing free travel facility to women in RTC buses is an opportunity to affect the livelihood of lakhs of auto drivers. He said that the auto drivers are afraid that they will fall on the roads if they do not get enough passengers. He asked the government to support the auto driver brothers who have no adequate employment opportunities in the villages or live in paper sheds in the towns and drive hired autos.
RS Praveen Kumar appeals to support auto drivers.
The implementation of the guarantee of free travel for women is going to put a heavy burden on the RTC, which is just coming out of losses. It is also going to affect the lives of around 50 thousand RTC workers. Apart from that RTC buses to many villages since the arrival of Telangana for various reasons…
— Dr.RS Praveen Kumar (@RSPraveenSwaero) December 10, 2023
The Congress party has promised free travel facility for women in RTC buses as one of the six guarantees. This guarantee under the name of Mahalakshmi scheme was implemented from Saturday (December 9) on the occasion of Sonia Gandhi’s birthday. This prestigious scheme was launched by CM Revanth Reddy. Along with women, transgenders are also provided free travel facility in RTC buses. Vasudeva Reddy, the former chairman of the Corporation for the Disabled, urged the state government to provide free travel facility in RTC buses to women and transgenders as well as the disabled in the state. He said that while they already have 50 percent concession, providing them with free travel facility will benefit them.
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