Telangana New CM Revanth Reddy: Telangana CS Shanti Kumari inspected the arrangements for the swearing-in ceremony of Revanth Reddy as the second Chief Minister of Telangana state. CS Shanti Kumari conducted a review meeting on this at LB Stadium. DGP Ravi Gupta, Additional DGs CV Anand, Shivdhar Reddy, City Police Commissioner Sandeep Sandilya, Chief Secretaries Sailaja Ramayar, Rizvi, Jalmandali MD Dana Kishore, GHMC Commissioner Ronald Ross, Roads and Buildings Department Secretary Srinivasa Raju, Information Commissioner Ashok Reddy, Hyderabad Collector Anudeep Durishetti, Raj Bhavan Secretary Surendra Mohan, senior officials of various departments, public representatives Mallu Ravi, Vem Narendra Reddy, Anjan Kumar Yadav, Munsi and others were present.
CS Shanti Kumari directed the concerned officials that there should not be any errors in the elaborate arrangements for the swearing in of the Chief Minister of the State. He said that suitable arrangements should be made without any difficulty for the people attending the program and other dignitaries, and that good water and other facilities should be provided in the stadium. He said that chief ministers of various states, public representatives and other dignitaries are participating in this swearing-in ceremony, and special care should be taken for them without any kind of trouble including galleries. CS ordered to take special measures on parking of vehicles and security.