Hyderabad Cricket Association (HCA) President Arshanapally Jaganmohan Rao reviewed the arrangements for the India-England first Test match to be held at the Uppal Stadium on Thursday along with the Apex Council members. He personally supervised all the match-related work taking place in the stadium. The pitch and field outfield works were inspected. On this occasion, Jaganmohan Rao said that all the members of the HCA staff are spending their time in the stadium full time to conduct the match successfully. He said that for the comfort of the spectators, the roof top works and the arrangement of new seats have been completed on time so that the sun does not burn during the day time. He said that the players’ dressing rooms, other modernization and repair works and sanitation works are also going on fast.
Free entry after consideration of applications by schools
Jaganmohan Rao said that a guideline will be made to allow the students of government schools and government recognized schools to watch the test match for free. It has been clarified that the students will be allowed directly and complimentary passes will be provided to the respective schools based on the applications made by the school principals. Only students from class 6 to 12 will be allowed and they are advised to wear school uniforms. They are providing free food and drinking water to the students. For this, school principals should send the number and names of students and staff to HCA CEO’s email id (ceo.hydca@gmail.com) before 18th of this month. HCA Vice President Daljeet Singh, Secretary Devraj, Assistant Secretary Basavaraju, Treasurer CJ Srinivas Rao, Councilor Sunil Kumar, CEO Sunil and others participated in this program.
Good move from Hyderabad Cricket Association to provide free entry to Govt school students (Class 6-12) for the 1st Test to be held in Hyderabad from 25th Jan.
Most of them come from humble beginnings and would have never been to a cricket game. Tq @JaganMohanRaoA Garu#IndvENG
— Sunrisers Army (@srhorangearmy) January 10, 2024
Hyderabad Cricket Association has invited Telangana government school class VI to XII students to watch India Vs England Test match in Hyderabad for free.
Free lunch will also be provided to them. All students must wear the uniform. #INDvsENG pic.twitter.com/AvAHrFw0pK
— Himanshu Pareek (@Sports_Himanshu) January 11, 2024
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