Observing that Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, has been running his YSRCP like a private limited company, TDP politburo member, Varla Ramaiah, on Tuesday felt that the people of the state do not like Jagan to come back to power.
Ramaiah told media persons that Jagan should be transferred out of power but not his party MLAs, who are now being shifted from their sitting Assembly segments. The TDP politburo member felt that it is really imprudent that 12 Dalit MLAs have been shifted from their sitting seats and it is nothing but part of the game to see to it that they do not get stabilized politically.
“Are the Dalit MLAs not fit to recontest the elections from their sitting segments,” he asked and felt that Mr. Jagan has been humiliating the Dalit community who elected him to power by reposing faith in him. In the recent public meeting at Tirupati, Deputy Chief Minister, Narayana Swamy, who is a senior citizen, was seen standing on the dais with folded hands, the Reddys were seen sitting in the chairs, he said.
Long ago the great Dr BR Ambedkar had said that only goats are used for sacrificial offerings but not lions, Ramaiah said that this is the reason why 12 Dalit MLAs have been sacrificed. The sin committed by killing 188 Dalits cannot be wiped out by installing the 125-feet tall Dr Ambedkar statue, he remarked.
Former minister, Dokka Manikya Vara Prasad, is feeling humiliated for joining the YSRCP from the TDP, he said and felt that the installation of the Dr Ambedkar statue is only for political gain. Jagan is well aware of the public mood that they do not want him to come back to power, Ramaiah said and stated that a private limited company launched by Jagan is named after YSR and the MPs and MLAs are those who work for this company.
The CEO, managing director and the chairman transfer the employees as they wish and this is how the YSRCP is functioning, Ramaiah remarked. “For the first time in my service I have been experiencing that MPs and MLAs are being shifted,” he said.
Ramaiah is of the strong belief that Jagan has miserably failed to run his political party and the revolt by the MLAs is an example for this. Also, he is not fit to be the Chief Minister of the State and thus he should be shifted from here, the TDP politburo member said.
Jagan is under total confusion as to where he should go from here, Ramaiah said and felt that Jagan will not get even the leader of the opposition status in the coming days. The YSRCP leaders themselves are admitting this, Ramaiah added.