Top producer Dil Raju responded about the recent controversy of Sankranthi releases. Hanu Man has been getting lesser screens in Nizam region after most of them will screen Mahesh Babu’s Guntur Kaaram. As Dil Raju is releasing Guntur Kaaram in Nizam region, he was cornered and his name was dragged into the controversy. Dil Raju, the President of Film Chamber conducted meetings with the producers of all the Sankranthi releases. Some of the web portals turned over enthusiastic and wrote bad about Dil Raju.
The top producer responded on a strong note and warned the websites. He even challenged them for an open debate with the producers who are suffering to get theaters during the Sankranthi season. “It took me years to reach this place and I am targeted for every Sankranthi. This is happening from the past 7-8 years. Chiranjeevi garu openly admitted that Dil Raju is experienced and he knows how to handle things. But some of the websites turned the news as per their comfort for their benefits. Do they think Dil Raju is soft? Thaata Teestha (” told Dil Raju.
“95 percent of the people like me and I cannot satisfy everyone. Everyone knows that Dil Raju is a brand. Some of the websites and YouTube channels are making a controversy from this for Sankranthi which is not right. I was the one who arranged a meeting in Film Chamber and requested Ravi Teja to move out of Sankranthi race. This is a difficult task. Some of them wrote that Dil Raju is distributing a Tamil film which is untrue. I am the one who postponed the Telugu release of that Tamil film” concluded Dil Raju.