Police are baffled by the behavior of the young woman in Hyderabad. The incident took place in Meerpet Police Station under Rachakonda Police Commissionerate. Gautami, a young woman, targeted gold shops, diverted the attention of salesmen and became adept at knocking gold chains. Meerpet police have arrested the young woman with collateral evidence.. But the police are also shocked after knowing the plan of the young woman. Police say that it would have been impossible to catch the young woman without CCTV cameras.
Gautami went to a gold shop in Ameerpet, Hyderabad. Gautami asked the salesman to show him various chains. As soon as the salesman went aside, she would steal the chain from the shop and replace it with the chain she had brought with her. After looking at all the designs for about half an hour, she told the salesman that she didn’t like any of the designs and came out with a broken chain. Instead of a gold chain, the salesman noticed fake gold chains in it and examined the CCTV footage. Scenes of Gautami changing chains were recorded in it. The manager of the gold shop immediately lodged a complaint with the Meerpet police.
Police received the complaint and arrested Gautami on the basis of CCTV cameras. But during the police investigation, Gautami admitted that she had committed similar crimes in the past. She has admitted that similar thefts have been committed in Jubilee Hills, Sarurnagar, Chaitanya Puri and KPHB police stations. Gauthami was arrested by the police on circumstantial evidence and produced before the magistrate. As part of the 14-day remand, Gautami was moved to Chanchalgada women’s jail.
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