The anticipation for Victory Venkatesh’s upcoming film ‘Saindhav’ has reached new heights, fueled by an incredible teaser, trailer, and soul-stirring songs. Helmed by the renowned director Sailesh Kolanu of hit series fame, and produced by Venkat Boyanapalli, the movie has been generating a buzz of excitement. The producer, expressing unwavering confidence, attests that ‘Saindhav’ is set to elevate the cinematic experience to the next level.
“For me, Venkatesh is a favorite hero, and the opportunity to produce his 75th film, ‘Saindhav,’ is a stroke of luck. This movie promises to captivate audiences with its remarkable blend of action and emotions. The emotional depth of ‘Saindhav’ is so profound that it evokes tears, leaving an indelible mark on the viewers”, said Venkat Boyanapalli. He further added, “As the audience exits the theatre, they will carry the weight of great emotion, experiencing a unique and heart-touching journey. Bring your handkerchiefs to theaters, as the film will leave you with tears for almost an hour inside. No doubt, you will be moved to tears and thereafter the action part will leave you speechless”.
Scheduled for release on January 13th, ‘Saindhav’ boasts a stellar cast, including the Bollywood antagonist debut of Nawazuddin Siddiqui, along with Arya, Shraddha Srinath, Ruhani Sharma, and Andrea Jeremiah. The ensemble promises a cinematic spectacle that transcends boundaries and offers a fresh perspective on action for the new-age audience.