The agitation by the truck drivers against the tough provision in the newly introduced Indian Penal Code regarding ‘hit and run’ cases continued on Tuesday. They are holding Rastaroks and Rallies in different parts of the country. However, fuel trucks stopped due to drivers’ protest. Due to the fear of fuel shortage, motorists in many states rushed to the petrol stations. Petrol stations have been crowded since Monday night in Nagpur, Maharashtra. The same situation was seen in Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh. At some places, vehicles lined up for hundreds of meters at the banks. The scenes related to this are going viral. The supply of LPG cylinders has been hampered in some areas due to concerns of truck drivers.
However, many states are taking steps to avoid fuel shortages in the wake of protests. According to the provisions of the Indian Law Act, drivers who cause road accidents and flee without informing the police about the incident are liable to imprisonment for ten years and a fine of up to Rs.7 lakh. Drivers of trucks, lorries and private buses are expressing concern over this. Associations of drivers say that this provision will prevent new entrants from taking up this profession.
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