Liquor Sale In Telangana On December 31st: In the new year, many cases of drunk and driving were registered in Hyderabad. The police, who have placed special vigilance everywhere in Hyderabad, have carried out extensive checks. With this, 1200 cases have been registered under the Hyderabad Commissionerate. 1241 cases have been registered in Cyberabad Commissionerate area.
On December 31, the drug lords were agitated. The name of the parties was fully tightened. They drank a lot. The breathalyzer tests conducted by the police recorded explosive meter readings. There are 151 people who have crossed 200 points in Cyberabad. Among them are women. Cases have been registered against 1239 people who drove drunk vehicles.
Vehicles were confiscated from drunk drivers and on this occasion there were clashes in many areas. They were forcefully loaded into other vehicles and sent home. Police seized 938 bikes, 21 autos, 275 cars and 7 other vehicles from those who drove vehicles full of drink.
Liquor was sold heavily in Telangana on the occasion of New Year. On December 31, 1 lakh 30 thousand cases of liquor and 1 lakh 35 thousand cases of beer were sold from 19 government depots. Due to this, the government got an income of 125 crores. 658 crores of revenue reached the government exchequer in three days through the sale of liquor.