For now, Mahesh Babu’s Guntur Kaaram, Venkatesh’s Saindhav, Ravi Teja’s Eagle, Nagarjuna’s Naa Saami Ranga and Teja Sajja’s Hanu Man are announced for Sankranthi 2024 release. Although some of the industry bigwigs have been holding talks, the makers of all the above films are strict on their stand. Guntur Kaaram is the most awaited film in the race and the theatricals are valued at Rs 150 crores. Saindhav theatrical rights are valued at Rs 30-35 crores including all the languages. Naa Saami Ranga theatrical rights would range between Rs 20-25 crores. Ravi Teja’s Eagle will head for own release and the theatrical range would be in and around Rs 25 crores considering the genre and multiple releases.
Hanu Man is also heading for a big release and the Telugu theatrical rights are valued at Rs 12-14 crores including USA. The film will have a huge release in Hindi and it is released on distribution basis. The total bet of Sankranthi 2024 is close to Rs 250 crores which is huge. For now, all the five films are heading for release and the promotional plans are chalked out.