Chief Minister Revanth Reddy made it clear that there should be schools in panchayats in Telangana. A panchayat without a school should not exist in Telangana, he said in a review by the Education Department held at the secretariat in Hyderabad on Saturday. He suggested that no matter how small or remote a village in the state, there must be a government school. He said that no boy or girl should go to other villages or towns for education. All the schools which were closed on the pretext of absence of students were ordered to be opened. Revanth Reddy decided to run a government school no matter how many children there are. For this, Revanth Reddy told the officials to immediately take steps to replace the teachers through Mega DSC. He directed to take appropriate steps to conduct DSC to fill the vacancies of teachers in the state.
The progress of the work done in Mana Uru, Mana Badi program was reviewed. He wants to complete all the remaining works in this program and make all the schools in the state the best schools. CM Revanth said that problems in promotions and transfers of teachers should be looked into. In order to overcome the problems and objections in the matter of transfers, it is advised to hold discussions with the representatives of the teachers’ unions and explore alternative ways. Discussed with the officials about the steps to be taken to change the category regarding electricity bills for schools. Appropriate alternative ways should be explored for collecting bills under business and industrial category for schools. They want to explore ways to arrange sweepers and sanitation workers in schools.
Joint Zillako Skill University..
State Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has announced that skill universities will be established in ten joint districts of the state. State Government Chief Secretary Shanti Kumari, Higher Education Board Chairman Prof. Limbadri, Education Department Chief Secretary Burra Venkatesham, School Education Department Devasena, CMO Officer Seshadri, Shah-Nawaz Kasim and other officials attended the high-level meeting held today. On this occasion, the CM said that there should be universities in the state to provide skills required for industrial needs. It is mentioned that employment based short term and long term courses should be introduced in these. In this regard, they want to study such skill universities in the states of Gujarat, Haryana, Rajasthan, Orissa and Andhra Pradesh. They want to set up these skill universities in nine districts including Kodangal constituency. For this, CS has been directed to form a special committee with secretaries of Education Department, Industries Department and Labor Department and submit suitable proposals. On this occasion, the Chief Minister distributed free laptops to the students of Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge and Technology in Basra.
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