Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan on Saturday wrote a lengthy letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi making several allegations of corruption against the state government. He alleged that the government was swindling huge amounts of money which runs into a few thousand crores of rupees.
Pawan Kalyan said that land acquisition and construction of houses for the poor had come handy for the ruling party leaders to make huge money. He saw a misappropriation of Rs 35,141 crore in the entire issue of land purchase and house construction. The total project was taken up at Rs 1,75,421 crore, he said of which the government had spent Rs 91,503 crore.
He said that the government launched construction of 30 lakh houses to 29,51,858 women beneficiaries. However, he said only 21,87,985 women were given the house sites, while 28,554.64 acres of government land was taken, and 25,374.66 acres of land was purchased. However, the government is actually constructing 12,09,022 houses, he said.
He further told the prime minister that 51,000 houses were in the court disputes, while another 30,176 beneficiaries were waiting for the government to give them alternative sites in Prakasam and Anantapur districts.
Stating that the government had shown a provision of Rs 23,106.85 crore in the state budget for housing, only Rs 11,358.87 crore were spent in the last five years. However, the Central government released Rs 14,366.08 crore for housing and Rs 1,249.03 crore towards subsidy, he said.
Pawan Kalyan requested the prime minister to initiate investigation into the project with CBI and enforcement directorate, to unearth more details of the scam as thousands of crores of rupees of the government money is involved in the project.
He also requested the prime minister to bring the guilty to the book and initiate steps for recovery of the misappropriated public money.