The time for the opening of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir is nearing. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the temple on January 22. Huge arrangements are being made for this. Meanwhile, a timber depot from Hyderabad is taking part in the construction of the temple, which will surprise everyone. Anuradha Timber Depot at Boinapally has taken priority in manufacturing the doors and door frames required for the historic Ram Mandir temple.
The arrangements for the inauguration of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir are going on at a fast pace. The temple is being built to survive 2,500 years no matter how big a natural disaster. The sanctum sanctorum is designed in Nagara style, octagonal shape to reflect the Indian culture. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the Ayodhya Ram Temple on January 22. Meanwhile, for the construction of Ayodhya Ram Mandir, the best quality materials, furniture and equipment were collected from different parts of the country. But Ram Mandir doors are manufactured by Anuradha Timber Depot in Boinapally in the city.
Chadalawada Sarath Babu, the owner of Anuradha Timber Depot, revealed that Ballarsha teak is being used for making the doors of the Ram temple. He said that out of 100 pieces of wood, only 20 pieces of wood of high quality are selected and the door manufacturing process is being carried out. For the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, they are making more than 118 doors required for the temple premises. It is explained that many artisans with sculptural skills are involved in the making of these doors. He said that the speed of work has increased as the time for the inauguration of the Ram Mandir is approaching. He said that it was a great fortune for them to get the fortune of making Ramalaya doors.
The work of making the doors started from June last year. Since then around sixty artisans along with Kumaraswamy from Tamil Nadu have been making these doors. Some of the main events of Ramayana are being depicted on the headpieces.