Good news for the Telugu film industry. The Nandi Awards are presented by the state government every year during the Ugadi festival. Telangana Cinematography Minister made a key announcement on this. Famous senior film actor Murali Mohan organized a program to celebrate 50 years of film industry heyday. Telangana Minister Komati Reddy Venkat Reddy was the chief guest for this program organized at a private hotel in Hyderabad. Murali Mohan was honored with the title of Natasimha Chakraborty. After that Murali Mohan requested to give Nandi awards to Tollywood film industry. Minister Komati Reddy Venkat Reddy responded positively to this.
He said that the state government is ready to officially give Nandi awards from 2024. He said that measures are also being taken in this regard. He explained that he had also held discussions with Chief Minister Revanth Reddy on this matter. Nandi awards will be announced across parties and regions. He expressed his opinion that if the film industry is respected, the government will also get good name and fame. The Chief Minister also said that he has responded positively on this issue. Actor Murali Mohan said that after the partition of the state, there was no mention of Nandi awards for artists. Responding to this, Komati Reddy said that he will soon try to bring the film celebrities together with Chief Minister Revanth Reddy. There, they discussed more complete details and took a decision.
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