Former Minister Harish Rao inaugurated the Inter School District Football Championship at Siddipet Football Stadium. It is suggested to adopt the spirit of sports competition along with studies from childhood. He said that if you show good talent in games, your future will be good. That is why Siddipet has become the center for all national level sports. He said that stadiums for all sports were established in Siddipet during his rule.
He said that the athletes who are limited to playing games only during their study days are being prepared to excel at the national level. He said that Siddipet has been designed like games. Grounds and courts for 16 types of games have been constructed with international standards. Along with these, necessary facilities have been arranged. He said that we have hosted many national and state level competitions in the past as well. A swimming pool has been arranged for physical exercise. Volleyball selections and football selections have been organized at the state and national level.
He said that Siddipet is the venue for national level cycling competitions at Ranganayak Sagar. In addition to all this, it has been revealed that the Siddipet Sports Complex is going to be developed with an additional Rs.11 crores. He said that they are spending Rs. 4 crores to build a new cricket stadium with new features. Along with cricket, football, basketball, badminton, kabaddi, khokho, hockey, karate, running, handball, shot put, skating, athletics, a new volleyball academy has been established recently, he said. Interested youth and students are invited to participate in sports and show their talent.
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