Revanth Reddy government has given good news to motorists in Telangana. The Telangana government has announced a concession to collect pending traffic challans. Up to 90 percent discount on pending challans. The Telangana government has issued a notification announcing a huge discount on the payment of challans from December 26. From Tuesday, Jio has issued a huge discount to motorists to pay their pending challans. With this many people are ready to pay the pending challans on their vehicles. However, the online website states that pending challans can be paid from tomorrow. To this extent, Telangana Transport, Roads and Buildings Department Order (GO) no. 659 issued. This time 90 percent discount was given on RTC traffic challans, 80 percent discount on two wheelers and autos, 60 percent discount on cars and heavy vehicles. This discount will be valid till January 10.
The government has taken this decision as the number of people violating traffic rules in Telangana is increasing day by day. Although the traffic police have repeatedly told them to follow the rules, the motorists do not care. Due to this, road accidents are increasing. Motorists are especially violating rules like overtaking, going on the wrong route, driving under the influence of alcohol, driving without a license, driving without a helmet. Due to this, traffic challans are increasing in the name of the owners of the respective vehicles. Telangana government has decided to give discount as challans are being paid but they are being neglected. Currently more than 2 crore challans are pending.
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