Former minister Daggubati Venkateswara Rao on Monday thanked the voters of Parchuru Assembly constituency in Prakasam district for not electing him to the Assembly in the 2019 general election on the YSR Congress ticket. Interacting with his supporters, Daggubati said he would have cut a sorry figure in front of the voters for not doing anything as the YSR Congress MLAs are doing now.
He said that every YSR Congress MLA was not able to face the voters as they did not do anything in the last five years. He said that the MLAs could not even lay a road in their constituencies in the last five years. “I would not have laid even a single road in the constituency as an MLA of the YSR Congress Party,” Daggubati said.
He said that most of the ruling party MLAs were not able to face the people as they have done nothing in the last five years. The MLAs were not made answerable to the people in any work, not even the laying of a road, he said.
The MLAs were now looking at other parties as the chief minister was denying tickets to them. Even if they were given tickets, it would be difficult for them to win the election, he said, adding that most of the ruling party MLAs were facing the same situation.
Meanwhile, it is said that Daggubati is trying to get his son moved to the opposition TDP in the coming elections. He is making his son Hitesh Chechuram to contest on the TDP ticket and thus win the election. Hindupur MLA Nandamuri Balakrishna is said to be working on bringing both Daggubati Venkateswara Rao and Nara Chandrababu Naidu together ahead of the 2024 general election.
Hitesh Chenchuram would be contesting from Parchuru Assembly constituency in Prakasam district on the TDP ticket. It is to be seen if Daggubati meets Chandrababu Naidu or not as they have been at loggerheads for more than a decade.