The politics of Andhra Pradesh is getting juicy before the assembly elections. Till now the politics which was conducted in Uttarandhra platform are now moving with the aim of winning the assembly elections. On the one hand, if CM Jagan was engrossed in the work of selecting the candidates, the TDP chief held talks with the political strategists. In this context, Andhra Pradesh Heavy Water Drainage Minister Ambati Rambabu made important comments on Chandrababu. Prashant Kishore from Bihar is a political strategist and it was surprising that Nara Lokesh met him. He has worked for many political parties across the country. In the last election, he also advised YCP as a political strategist.
In the past, if YCP chose Prashant Kishore as a political strategist, Nara Lokesh should be remembered once. He said that Bihar decoys have come. He said that Lokesh had spoken in a derogatory manner saying that communal riots had been created. Churakal asked what a mason would do when the material is not good. They said that PK and this PK can’t do anything. Prashant Kishore said that TDP is a dead party and has come for autopsy. Josyam said that no matter what is done, TDP will not be able to survive. He said that he called PK because Robin Singh was over.
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