New Delhi, December 21: Noted Telugu story writer and novelist Tallavajjhala Patanjali Shastri has been awarded the Central Sahitya Akademi Award for the year 2023. This highest award was given to the book of short stories written by him called ‘Rameswaram Kakulu. The Central Sahitya Akademi Awards for works written in 24 languages across the country were announced at a media conference organized at the Sahitya Akademi Conference Hall, Rabindra Bhavan, Feroz Shah Road, Delhi on Wednesday. Of these short stories in 5 languages have won awards and one of them is a Telugu story.
Tallavajjhala Patanjali Shastri was born in Pithapuram in 1945. All education was spent in Ongole. Mother Mahalakshmi and father Krithivasa Theerth. Patanjali Shastri’s grandfathers on both sides were also literary men. Tallavajhala Sivashankara Sastri and Mokkapati Narasimha Sastri are eminent in the field of literature. After doing his MA from SV University, he did his PhD in Archeology from Pune. After that he worked as a History Lecturer and Principal in Amalapuram College. After some time, he established ‘Environment Center’ and worked in the field of environment. Currently living in Rajahmundry with his wife Vijayalakshmi. The couple has a son Shashi and a daughter Gayatri.
He has been writing stories since 1960. ‘Vadla Chilukalu’, ‘Patanjali Shastri Kathalu’, ‘Naluperupu’, ‘Rameswaram Kakulu’ are collections of stories written by Patanjali Shastri. Many stories from Rameswaram Kakulu to Rohini Katha written by him have been published as a book called ‘Rameswaram Kakulu. Recently, the Kendra Sahitya Akademi Award was also won for this collection of stories. He also wrote the novels ‘Horu’, ‘Devara Koteshu’ and ‘Geda Oya Pitta’.
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