TDP Parliament member Galla Jayadev on Thursday said that there are a large number of fake voters in Andhra Pradesh. He wanted the government to take action against the officials who enrolled the fake voters in the list to the advantage of the ruling YSR Congress Party.
Participating in the discussion on the Election Commissioners appointment bill in the Lok Sabha on Thursday, Jayadev said that the District Returning Officers in Andhra Pradesh were changing the voter list under the influence of the ruling party. The officials were not following the guidelines of the Election Commission, he said.
He further said that a delegation of the TDP led by party chief N Chandrababu Naidu met the Election Commission officials in Delhi and lodged a complaint. However, so far no action was taken by the election commission to correct the irregularities in the voter list, he said.
He sought to draw the attention of the election commission to correct the mistakes committed by the officials in Andhra Pradesh before the state goes for the next general election. Several TDP supporters’ votes were removed from the list and several fake votes were included, he said. He wanted the officials to check the voter list at the grassroots and make necessary corrections.
The TDP had lodged a complaint with the officials on the fake votes and the removal of the TDP voters’ names from the list. He also told the Lok Sabha that the officials have found over 13 lakh fake votes in the list.
The TDP MP sought the intervention of the Central government in correcting the voter list in Andhra Pradesh. He also wanted the government to restore democracy in the state and ensure free and fair elections in 2024.