Bigg Boss season 7 winner Pallavi Prashant has been arrested by the police. Pallavi Prashanth is A1 in Annapurna Studio riots case. Bigg Boss winner Pallavi Prashant has been detained by the police in Gajwel mandal Kolguru. It seems that the police is moving Prashant from there to Hyderabad. After the finale of Bigg Boss season 7, a fan war ensued. Some fans pelted RTC buses with stones and destroyed them. With that, the police registered a case against Pallavi Prashanth under all 9 sections. Police have already arrested two people in this case. Prashanth’s brother Raghuraj was also detained by the police
When the video was released..
Bigg Boss reality show has caused many fan wars so far. Sometimes those fan wars crossed the limits. But in the case of Bigg Boss season 7, many fans lost their discretion and attacked the contestants. AmarDeep, Ashwini and Geetu’s cars were vandalized and Pata RTC buses and police car were also attacked and the police registered a sumoto case. Since the case was registered, the police have revealed that they have been looking for Pallavi Prashant, but he is absconding. But Pallavi Prashanth released a video and clarified that all these are false campaigns. The police arrested him within a few hours of releasing that video.
CPI Narayana is serious..
Let’s see how his fans will react to Pallavi Prashanth’s arrest. Many people waited at Annapurna Studios on the day of the finals just to see if he was the winner and to meet him. The audience of Bigg Boss thinks that if they know that such an arrest has been made, how much fuss will be made on social media. Many celebrities have already responded to the incident of attack on contestants. Responding to this matter, CPI Narayana asked Pallavi Prashanth to come to his office and promised that he would be ensured that the police would not arrest him. But the arrest was made in the meantime.
A case should be filed against the management of Bigg Boss..
This happened due to negligence of the management of Bigg Boss.. That is why a case was registered against the management of Bigg Boss and Nagarjuna To do this, many people are already expressing their opinion that it is unfair to register a case against Pallavi Prashanth and arrest him. Many social activists are waiting for the ban of the reality show Bigg Boss as it has a bad effect on the society. Many people have started complaining about the ban of this reality show once again due to the uproar in Bigg Boss season 7 finals. High Court lawyer Arun is also one of them. Arun has filed a complaint with the Human Rights Commission to ban the Bigg Boss reality show.