Nandamuri Kalyan Ram’s upcoming film Devil is produced and directed by Abhishek Nama. It is bankrolled by Abhishek Pictures. Samyuktha is playing the female lead in the film. Malavika Nair is playing key role. Every content from the film is raising expectations and the recently released striking trailer has been the talk of the town. The expectations reached to sky high and continuing the momentum, makers unveiled the lyrical video Dhooram Theeramai song from the film.
The song carries a soul with mellifluous vibe. Sameera Bharadwaj sang this melody and wrote it. Animal fame Harshavardhan Rameshwar gave an entrancing tune that just takes you into another realm. Especially, the magical symphony portions the lyrical hits very hard. The soulful lyrics tell the magic of love in simple words. The song is very melodious and catchy that it will grow in its listeners in repeats. The film will be releasing worldwide on December 29th.
Makers are currently busy with the post production and promotional works. Harshavardhan Rameshwar is scoring music while Soundar Rajan.S is handling cinematography. Gandhi Nadikudikar is overseeing the artwork.