For a few days now, there have been reports that actress Anushka Sharma and cricketer Virat Kohli are going to give birth to their second child. But neither Anushka Sharma nor Virat gave any clarity on this matter. Even so, gossips are rife. Apart from this, some photos of Anushka Sharma with a baby bump are also doing the rounds on social media. Many believe that the Virushka couple are becoming parents again. There are many reasons for the gossip that Anushka Sharma is pregnant for the second time. Not accepting new movies after the release of ‘Zero’. The release of the already accepted movie ‘Chakda Express’ is getting delayed. Many believe that she stayed away from acting with the intention of having a second child. Now another picture of Anushka and Virat Kohli is going viral. In this, Virat’s wife is seen with a baby bump. But this is not a new photo. Photo clicked during Diwali festival 2018. It has now been edited and is being made viral again. All those who saw this believe that Anushka’s second pregnancy is real.
Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma got married in 2017. A daughter named Vamika was born to this couple in January 2021. Anushka is currently busy taking care of her daughter Alana’s regime. That’s why new movies are not accepted. Anushka Sharma entered Bollywood in 2008. She scored a blockbuster hit in the movie ‘Rabne Banadi Jodi’ with Shah Rukh. After that she acted with star actors like Akshay Kumar, Ranveer Singh, Ranbir Kapoor, Sanjay Dutt, Aamir Khan and Varun Dhawan. Apart from being an actress, she has produced successful films and achieved good results.
Edited photos viral..
This is the original photo.
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