The second single from Superstar Mahesh Babu’s Guntur Kaaram was out last evening. Superstar fans have been trolling Trivikram and Thaman heavily for the song. Oh My Baby failed to live up to the expectations and this left the fans of Superstar in stress. Taking Twitter and other social media platforms, there are a lot of negative posts and comments about the song. Trivikram and Thaman created a magical album with Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo and the expectations on the music album of Guntur Kaaram are high.
Unfortunately, the second single failed to live up to the expectations. The song is currently being shot in Hyderabad on Mahesh Babu and Sree Leela. The shoot of Guntur Kaaram is expected to be wrapped up by the end of next week and the film releases on January 12th, 2023. Meenakshi Chaudhary is the other leading lady and Haarika and Hassine Creations are the producers of this big-budget mass entertainer.