After forming the government in Telangana, the Congress party focused on the parliamentary elections. Revanth Reddy, who played a key role in bringing the Congress party to power, is currently the BGBG. He is acting as TPCC Chief and Chief Minister. While looking after all the affairs as the CM, he is leading the party programs on his shoulder. At this moment, there is a loud discussion in Gandhi Bhavan on the appointment of full-fledged PCC. With only 3 constituencies for the parliamentary elections, the focus is on strengthening the party. Around 15-16 positions are expected to be taken out of 17 positions.
However, as the Chief Minister is from the Reddy community and the Deputy CM is from the SC community, there is a discussion that the post of PCC will be given to BCs. However, the names of senior leaders such as Minister Ponnam Prabhakar Goud, Madhuyashki Goud, Working President Mahesh Kumar Goud and Anjan Kumar Yadav are heard among the PCC hopefuls. If PCC is given to BCs, it is expected that justice will be done to BCs. Then it will be discussed that the Congress party will give equal priority to social justice and there is a possibility that all the communities will stand together in the elections.
Since there is no place for minorities in the cabinet, if the PCC gives a chance to the minorities, there is a chance to give it to the senior leader Shabbir Ali. Shabbir Ali is very close to CM Revanth Reddy.. He has been standing by Revanth from the beginning. The CM wants to induct Shabbir Ali into the cabinet. If he does not get the ministerial position, there is a possibility that PCC will remain in the res. Along with them, Jaggareddy and Jeevan Reddy, who were defeated in the elections in the past, are also hoping for PCC. There will be a loud discussion in the Gandhi Bhavan circles that if the leadership focuses on social mobilization, there is a possibility of getting PCC for the BCs.
There is a discussion going on in the party circles that the Congress party, which has just formed the government, will soon change the PCC chief. In the strategy of winning majority seats in the parliament elections, to whom will the Congress party give the post of PCC chief.. Who will be in the race.. to know.. we have to wait for a few more days..
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