Massive arrangements are being made at the LB Stadium in Hyderabad for the swearing-in ceremony of Telangana’s new CM Revanth Reddy. Police are making strict security arrangements as AICC chief Mallikarjuna Kharge, Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi along with top leaders of Congress and CMs of other states will attend Revanth Reddy’s swearing-in ceremony. Sonia, Rahul, Priyanka and others were asked to attend the swearing-in ceremony of Revanth Reddy. DGP Ravigupta said that strict precautions are being taken as more than one lakh people are coming along with the top leaders. Congress leader Mallu Ravi inspected the arrangements at LB Stadium where Revanth Reddy will take oath as Chief Minister. He closely monitored the facilities required by the large influx of people. And all the officials are engaged in monitoring the arrangements at LB Stadium.
TPCC has sent invitations to AICC leaders, chief ministers of Congress-ruled states, CMs of other states, former CMs and leaders of various political parties for Revanth Reddy’s swearing-in ceremony. Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah, Deputy CM DK Shivakumar, AP CM Jagan, former Telangana CM KCR, Tamil Nadu CM Stalin and TDP leader Chandrababu were invited. Also some other senior leaders were sent invitation letters with Revanth’s signature.
Along with them, Revanth also sent an invitation to the families of Telangana martyrs. Telangana Jana Samithi President Prof. Kodandaram, Gade Inaiah, Prof. Haragopal, Kanche Ilaiyya along with leaders of various castes were invited. Besides, invitations were also sent to many film celebrities to come for the oath taking ceremony.
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