]Syed Majid Ali, a young man from Komuram Bhim Asifabad district headquarters, has made an innovative effort and is feeling good. On the occasion of Sankranti festival, he puts a check on the difficulties of Pindi Girni in his own style… He brings Pindigir to the homes of the remote villages and solves the difficulties of women in baking. The tractor he has is made into a flour mill.
On the occasion of Sankranti festival, many people make Chakinas and other pastries. But in some areas mills are not available and in other areas even though flour mills are available there are problems if there is a power outage. Observing all this, Syed Majeed Ali flour mill manager of Rahmat Nagar, Asifabad, Komurambhim district, attached a rice gurney to the tractor. A pulley and other special arrangements are connected to the gurney at the rear of the tractor engine. Up to Rs.30,000/- was spent for this.
While it works with diesel without the need for electricity, it has been arranged to take it anywhere and grind it. Majid thought of connecting his tractor as a threshing gurney. He studied in a local Urdu medium school till 7th standard and dropped out after that. After that he worked in a bike mechanic shop for a few years. Then he set up a small flour mill himself.
The idea of making a girni with a tractor engine was born in order to think that something should be done to get rid of this problem due to the loss of current when the girni is running. Having the experience of working as a mechanic himself, he started his endeavor. After two or three times his attempt failed, he kept on making changes and making changes. Finally, as a result of his efforts, he was able to get a mobile flour mill available to the public. He said that if the government cooperates with him, he will work hard to manufacture such machines in the future.
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