Twist in Rooster Auction in Karimnagar: It is known that the authorities have decided to auction a bet chicken found 3 days ago in an RTC bus belonging to Karimnagar depot. In this order, a person named Mahesh from Nellore district asked the RTC officials to stop the auction saying that the chicken belonged to him. He released a selfie video saying that he has evidence in this regard. He said that if he contacted the depot officials, he would not be able to give the chicken. He appealed to the higher authorities to respond to this and stop the auction process.
‘That chicken is mine’
Mahesh from Nellore district said that he came to Rudrangi for livelihood. He said that he was making a living as a bricklayer there. He forgot Kodi Punju while going from Rudrangi via Karimnagar to Nellore. He came to know that the chicken was being auctioned in this order and appealed to the authorities to stop it. He also sent videos of chickens running around in his house and yard. Apart from that, he said that he had also taken a ticket for chicken during the journey. He released his grief in the form of a selfie video. He complained that he contacted the manager of Depot-2 to stop the betting chicken auction and was given a negligent reply. ‘What is the guarantee that that chicken is yours? You don’t have to give a chicken. Did you remember that the auction will be held on Friday afternoon, which has been absent for so many days? If you want you can also participate in the auction.’ He expresses pain that they are saying that. He wants the superiors to respond to this too.
However, according to the RTC rules, if no one comes forward with proper evidence about the forgotten items under loss of property, the auction will have to be held after 24 hours as per the orders of the superiors, said the manager of Depot-2. As no one came for the bet chicken, it was mentioned that the auction was held on Friday. Those who are interested can participate. He said that the amount received will be deposited to the state government treasury through the treasury. However, as this news went viral on social media, suddenly the owner of the hen made an entry. They appealed to me to stop the auction of that chicken. In this order, there is excitement over the chicken auction.
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