Nandyala, January 12: Rural SS Narasimhu on Friday arrested the gang who stole a Tata Sumo vehicle and tried to kidnap a real estate businessman from Proddutur on 4th of this month at Ahobilam under Allagadda Rural PS. Allagadda DSP Venkataramaiah said in a media conference that a man named Gosa Nagendra from Rudravaram, who was dismissed as a constable in Beachupally APSP battalion in 2003, was found guilty of this crime. Accustomed to bad company, he joins hands with some sleazy people and commits crimes targeting the rich people in the society.
The original conspiracy of this gang was to do rekki first, kidnap the target and extort money. With that malicious intent, they attempted four kidnappings and all of them failed. DSP Venkatramaiah said that when they were detained and questioned today, shocking facts were revealed in the police investigation. Accused Nagendra had an acquaintance with a real estate trader named Nandyala Varadaraju Reddy of Proddutur in the past while making a contract in Maidukuru and hatched a scheme with the idea of kidnapping him and demanding Rs.50 lakhs through this. Recently, when an attempt was made to kidnap him, the locals prevented him and ran away.