Pan-Indian star Prabhas is now focused on his next big attempt titled Kalki 2898 AD. National award winning director Nag Ashwin is the man behind this magnum opus and some of the top stars of the nation like Amitabh Bachchan, Kamal Haasan and Deepika Padukone are working for this biggest sci-fi film. The makers today announced that Kalki 2898 AD will hit the screens on May 9th across the globe. The team is also following the sentiment of Mahanati which released on the same day.
Disha Patani will be seen in an important role and Santosh Narayanan is scoring the music. Vyjayanthi Movies are the producers of Kalki 2898 AD which is made on a massive budget. Kamal Haasan joined the sets recently and the shooting portions are expected to be completed by the end of this month. Prabhas will also shoot for Maruthi’s film starting next month.