Nayanthara’s milestone film Annapoorani has received a huge backlash for hurting the religious sentiments. Hence, Netflix removed Annapoorani from the streaming platform to avoid further controversies. Protests are made against the film after it started streaming on Netflix. An FIR was registered against Nayanthara and the team for hurting the religious sentiments of Hindus. Nayanthara played a Hindu brahmin girl who starts eating non-veg after she joins cooking classes. She starts cooking non-veg and ends up as a Master Chef in Annapoorani.
Netflix did not respond about the controversy but they removed the film from their streaming platform. Protestors from Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) reached Netflix office in Mumbai and demanded a ban on the film. Annapoorani is directed by Nilesh Krishnaa and it features Nayanthara, Jai and Satyaraj in the lead roles. The film released in theaters in December and the film ended up as a below average grosser. Annapoorani marks the 75th film of Nayanthara.