Visakhapatnam is all set to host another international Test cricket match. After four years, an international test match will be held at VDCA – YSR ACA International Stadium in Visakha. The preparations for the test match between India and England will be held from February 2 to 6. In this context, the Andhra Cricket Association, which organized a preparatory meeting, revealed the details of the match. ACA announced on this occasion that there will be free entry for 2000 students per day specially this time. The ACA Apex Council has prepared for the arrangements for the second Test match between India and England from February 2nd to 6th at VDCA – YSR ACA International Stadium in Visakhapatnam, Maduravada. The match management committee formed for this purpose met at the stadium on Thursday. The Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Collector A. Mallikarjuna disclosed the details in this regard and said that arrangements are being made so that the national and foreign fans who come to watch the match do not face even the slightest inconvenience. Along with three-tiered security, drinking water, medical facilities, adequate stalls will be set up and all arrangements are being made to watch the match in a playful atmosphere.
Online and offline tickets
ACA Apex Council Secretary SR Gopinatha Reddy said that special transport facilities will be made available for cricket lovers coming from distant places. He attended the meeting on Thursday and told TV9 that the sale of test match tickets will start from 15th of this month. It has been explained that they will be selling online through Paytm app, and this time they will provide fully digital tickets. He said that tickets of 100, 200, 300 and 500 rupees will be sold separately for each day.. Also, the ticket prices will be Rs. 400, 800, 1,000 and 1,500 for those who take them together for five days.
Free entry for 2 thousand students per day
As it is a test match, the stadium is not likely to be full every day. Stadium capacity is 27 thousand. So Gopinath explained that free entry will be given to 2 thousand students per day. It is explained that you have to register first for that. For this, 26 counters will be set up in YSR and Swarna Bharati stadiums.
England’s tour of India, 2024:
1st Test: 25th Jan, Hyderabad 2nd Test: 2nd Feb, Vizag 3rd Test: 15th Feb, Rajkot 4th Test: 23rd Feb, Ranchi 5th Test: 7 March, Dharamshala#IndvsEng pic.twitter.com/kMqvwZjA4U
— Hammer and Gavel (@hammer_gavel) January 4, 2024
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